Another Teen Killer Will Stand Trial

Prosecutors believe that on October 15, 2005, Dyleski beat the 53 year old victim to death with a piece of crown moulding and then carved a satanic symbol into her back. Aside from ample DNA evidence – including a bag of bloody clothes that reportedly contain both Dyleski and Vitale’s DNA – and damaging testimony from the defendant’s friend and mother (who agreed, respectively, to testify on condition that they would not be charged with participating in a credit card scheme and destroying evidence linking Dyleski to the crime), a grisly to-do list was also discovered at the defendant’s residence. The list included, “"Knock-out/kidnap," “Dirty Work” and "Cut up and bury."
Already, Dyleski’s attorney has argued that there is no way the teen can receive a fair trial because of the extensive media coverage. Perhaps she fails to realize – or realizes all too well – that all that the coverage has done is make known the evidence that will likely lead to her client’s conviction when it is presented to a jury.
Being that the defendant was 17 at the time of the crime - one year younger than requirement for classification as an adult - he is not subject to the death penalty and at most will receive 26 years to life. What a difference a year can make, huh?
Esther Fielding and Ken Dyleski are completely guilty of kidnapping and murder.Scott Dyleski is actually Pam Vitale's son and they held him for extortion.READ MY REPORTS! user name aliast
facebook user name aliasttemple
Human Trafficking kidnapping and slavery is there business.
Esther Fielding and Ken Dyleski are hiding in Sonoma County using the police stations and sheriffs departments to hide them.
Rick or Richard Sellers you can see is the man they call Luis or Luthor and in the Pamela Vitale case his name happens to be "Ken Dyleski".
I have a photo of him on user name aliast
I can positively identify him as the same man.AND I am sure that he is the Murderer in the Vitale case.Esther helped him.
psycotronic generators are what they use to mind control.
The reason is mind control is executed in the courtrooms even though they say no electronics allowed!
Using these devices you can easily and instantly see if someone is telling the truth or if they are lying.
There are so many escorts hookers and online prostitutes that are being manipulated and held for extortion using electromanetic frequencies..
You can easily detect EMF waves or frequencies by downloading an EMF detector application on your IPHONE
or Android.I think the app is a couple of dollars.You will see the EMF reading rise to over "26" a few feet from where you are.
GET TO SONOMA COUNTY AND ARREST ESTHER AND HER BEST FRIEND Ken or Luis or Rick Sellers A.S.A.P ...and confiscate all of there phones and computers at homes...Hard Drives and time stamps from local internet service providers hold serious evidence of manipulation and mind control and of murdering local prostitutes and extorting them homeless people as well from extortion.
Rick or Richard Sellers in Rohnert Park police Department most likely hiding as a CIA agent or NSA or Airforce ..
He is guilty of murder in the Pamela Vitale case
Esther Fielding also guilty of Mind Control right now is working hidden by the Rohnert Park Police Department Petaluma Police Department and The Santa Rosa Sheriffs Department posing as a CIA Agent or NSA or as a police officer.She does not work for the FBI either she is an impostor.She kidnapped my two daughters Eden and Jasmine Temple and they yesterday told me that with help of Bryan Jensen of the Sonoma County Sheriffs department that I would never see my two daughters alive again.
They "spoof" websites and your telephone numbers to detour you from contacting the correct authorities for help.
aliast user name on
or aliasttemple on facebook.
I have also tried to connect with Scotts lawyers without hope because of Esther Filding and Ken Dyleski blocking my email accounts and rerouting phone calls and email to web sites even the FBI and other factions.
I have also tried to connect with Scotts lawyers without hope because of Esther Filding and Ken Dyleski blocking my email accounts and rerouting phone calls and email to web sites even the FBI and other factions.
Check out my latest post on user name aliast
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